Applicant* The name you enter will appear on the website and in the catalogue.

Family name(Last name)
Given name(First name)

Designer* The name you enter will appear on the website and in the catalogue.

Family name(Last name)
Given name(First name)
Date of Birth* Click on the input box below, then click on "Year" to enter your birth year manually.
Zip/Postal code

Applying Division

Application fee payment (credit card payment)

  • General division (JPY20,000)
  • Under 26 division (JPY17,000)

You can proceed with your payment after the form is submitted.

Entry Work(s)

Design Concept

Please upload a photos of your work(s)

No more than 2MB each, 1080x720px resolution or better. Only JPEG files can be uploaded, and the file extension must be lowercase .jpg.

- The background should be gray scale, plain.
- Do not take pictures with personally identifiable objects.
- Do not include anything other than the work, except for images of the work(s) being worn.

- Samples photos

  • (1) Shoot multiple pieces in one image
  • (3) Body and model mounting photos
  • (4) One picture of your choice (Optional)
Photo (1) * One picture taken from the front view of a single work or all works together (in the case of five entries, five pieces should be on one sheet, or a collage of images).

Photo (2) * One picture of the back side of a single work or all the works together.

Photo (3) * One picture of a single work or all the works together is (are) being worn on either dummy or actual body.

Photo (4) * One picture of your choice (Optional).


Item description (i.e. ring, neckless, broach, pendant, etc.)
Size (W)mm×(H)mm×(D)mm
Cost price(Amount of compensation for damages) JPY

Entry#2 (optional)

Item description (i.e. ring, neckless, broach, pendant, etc.)
Size (W)mm×(H)mm×(D)mm
Cost price(Amount of compensation for damages) JPY

Entry#3 (optional)

Item description (i.e. ring, neckless, broach, pendant, etc.)
Size (W)mm×(H)mm×(D)mm
Cost price(Amount of compensation for damages) JPY

Entry#4 (optional)

Item description (i.e. ring, neckless, broach, pendant, etc.)
Size (W)mm×(H)mm×(D)mm
Cost price(Amount of compensation for damages) JPY

Entry#5 (optional)

Item description (i.e. ring, neckless, broach, pendant, etc.)
Size (W)mm×(H)mm×(D)mm
Cost price(Amount of compensation for damages) JPY

Please check the following items if you agree with them.

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