「The 33rd JAPAN JEWELLERY COMPETITION 」List of those who passed the first screening
We are pleased to announce the results of the first screening.
We apologize for the delay in announcement due to practical problems.
Please check the email we will send you for more details for the second round.
An invitation to Ms. Tatiana Apráez Seminar
◆ Nov. 17, 2023, Fri. 19:00 ~ 21:00
◆ Any place with the Internet access (Using Zoom)
◆ Speaker: Ms. Tatiana Apráez (Jewelry Designer)
Ms. Fernanda Vanegas (Second Secretary of the Embassy)
◆ Nominal Support: Embassy of Colombia in Japan
An Invitation to Susan Pietzch Seminar
♦Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, 2:00 - 4:30 PM
♦Any place with the Internet access (using Zoom)
♦Speaker:Ms. Susan Pietzsch (English Interpreter: Muraoka Maiko)

JJDA 50th anniversary celebration event
♦July 3 - 11.2015
♦Venue: Italian Institute of Culture
♦An exhibition held through collaboration between Japan Jewellery Designers Association (JJDA) and Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo (AGC)